September 06, 2018

Exchange Students Venture to Columbia, MO!


AFS is a wonderful organization that helps bring exchange students from around the world to study in the USA! They’ve brought 9th graders Nine Pothichanprasert (pictured left) and Eric Lin (pictured right) to CIS this school year and we are so happy to have them be a part of the family. 

Please read their profiles below to learn more about them! 

Name: Eric Lin

Grade: 9th

Country: China

Number of Siblings: One

Host Family: The Mizes

Reason for Studying Abroad: I wanted to experience a new environment.

Favorite Subject in School: The Cube at CIS

Best part of Columbia, MO: The MKT Trail 

Favorite American Food: Steak

Future Career: Engineer


Name: Nine Pothichanprasert

Grade: 9th

Country: Thailand

Number of Siblings: Two

Host Family: The Morrisseys

Reason for Studying Abroad: I wanted to make more friends and learn new things.

Favorite Subject in School: The Cube at CIS

Best part of Columbia, MO: CIS

Favorite American Food: Steak

Future Career: Architect